The “Trikoupis” Museum is housed in a mansion building that is the ancestral home of Trikoupis family, where the historian Spyridon Trikoupis was born and lived, as well as his son Charilaos Trikoupis, politician and often prime minister of our country. The building was built in 1840 and donated by the last Trikoupis family, to function as a Museum for Charilaos Trikoupis, with the aim of displaying on a permanent basis, in his birthplace, his personality and contribution to the formation of modern Greece. In April 2016, the Greek Parliament, expressing respect for the birthplace of this great person from Messolonghi, in collaboration with the Municipality of the Holy City of Messolonghi, remodeled the existing " Trikoupis family Museum " in Messolonghi and undertook the organization of a permanent exhibition, with copies of items reproduced faithfully with modern technological methods. The life of Charilaos Trikoupis is presented on the ground floor of the Museum and aspects of his multifaceted work are developed with digital copies of documents, photographs, engravings, etc., that come mainly from the collections of the Library of Parliament. On the first floor is the image of a typical urban Messolonghi house of the 19th century and there are references to various members of the family who had political, military and spiritual activity. The "Trikoupis family Museum" is managed by the Municipality of the Holy City of Messolonghi.