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Aetolian products - Gastronomic experience
PRESS RELEASE Christmas Event “Christmas Sunday. Take my word...Give me your hand.”PRESS RELEASE Christmas event “Christmas Sunday. Take my word...Give me your hand.” The Department of Culture RWG, the Group of Reading’s Joy of the 2nd Lyceum Messolonghi S. C., the...
Call for participation, coordination and preparation for local businesses, processors and producers of fishery products, at Summer Fancy Food Show 2023Invitation The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania in collaboration with Region of Western Greece in the framework of the implementation of the operation « Promotion of catches of the Region of Western...
NIKOS DOYMA'S EXHIBITION "GENESIS" AT CHRYSOGELOS BUILDING IN MESSOLONGHI SACRED CITYThe Regional Governor of Western Greece, Mr. Nektarios Farmakis, and the Deputy Regional Governor of Culture and Tourism, Mr. Nikolaos Korovesis, invite you to the opening of the art exhibition of...
24th Cultural Industry Workshop (Creative@Hubs) "Sources of funding for creative and cultural businesses, associations, organizations & bodies" with the Municipality of Agrinio and "MOSAIC HUB"The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania in the context of the implementation of the operation “Holistic networking of creative industries through hubs - Creative@Hubs", co-organized the 24th...
ANNA FILINI'S EXHIBITION "COURSE TO FREEDOM" AT CHRYSOGELOS BUILDING IN MESSOLONGHI SACRED CITYThe Regional Governor of Western Greece Mr. Nektarios Farmakis and the Deputy Regional Governor of Culture and Tourism Mr. Nikolaos Korovesis invite you to the opening of Anna Filini's art...
23rd Cultural Industry Workshop (Creative@Hubs) "Creation of works of art from recyclable materials, painting on raw materials & aging techniques in the manufacture of images", in collaboration with the “Art Lighting Creations” & “ICONS GENESIS”The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania in the context of the implementation of the operation "Holistic networking of creative SMEs through collaborative spaces (hubs) Holistic networking of creative...
22nd Cultural Industry Workshop (Creative @ Hubs) "TWO COUNTRIES, ONE HISTORY - Greek Culture of Italy meets Mother Greece" in collaboration with the Greek Cultural Association of Castrignano dei Greci "Nuova Koinè" & the Cultural Center of Greek-ItalianThe Chamber of Aetoloakarnania in the context of the implementation of the operation "Holistic networking of creative media through collaborative spaces (hubs) Holistic networking of creative...
21st Cultural Industry Workshop (Creative@Hubs) "POP ART" in collaboration with the artist Andrea Valleri, Region of Western Greece's Department of Culture & Tourism and the "Contini Art Gallery"The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania in the context of the implementation of the operation "Holistic networking of creative media through collaborative spaces (hubs) Holistic networking of creative...
20th Cultural Industry Workshop (Creative@Hubs) "Agrifood - Gastronomy - Cultural Tourism. Sustainable Economy Model and Entrepreneurship Development Triptych" in collaboration with the Riverview Project SCEThe Chamber of Aetoloakarnania in the framework of the implementation of the act "Holistic networking of creative SMEs via hubs" Holistic networking of creative industries via hubs -...
19th Cultural Industry Workshop (Creative@Hubs) "Creation, Design and Internationalization of Products from Raw Materials" in collaboration with the Creation Workshop "DEZAART"The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania in the context of the implementation of the operation “Holistic networking of creative industries through hubs - Creative@Hubs", co-organized the 19th knowledge...
INFOWI Access Points