SALTED FISHESThe unique beauty, protected by the Ramsar Convention wetland of “Messolonghi – Aetoliko” Lagoon, is also famous for its fine fish. The eels, the mullet, the sea bass and the sea bream of...
CHEESE PRODUCTSFeta, is known in northern Greece mainly as Cheese, is a cheese product of Protected Designation of Origin. It is prepared exclusively from sheep's or goat's milk. It is a mixture with up to...
TSIPOUROTsipouro is the geographical indication for “raki” of grapes in mainland Greece. It is a Greek alcoholic beverage that began its course about seven centuries ago in the monasteries of Mount...
OUZOOuzo is a drink produced mainly from the distillation of wine by-products and, more rarely from cereals and from alcohol derived from sugar beet by-products (melasa). It is placed in copper...
WINEWine (or oinos) is an alcoholic beverage, a product of grapes fermentation or their juice (“moustos”). Drinks like wine, are also made from other fruits or flowers or seeds, but the word...
FISH ROEOne of the most representative and valuable Aetolian products of the Greek embalming of the aquatic world, is the Fish Roe of Messolonghi. It is distinguished by a special taste, aroma and...
HONEY AND APICULTURE IN AETOLIAN LANDHoney is a true treasure of health and strength, while its value has been appreciated since ancient times. Its initial ingredients are collected by bees from the living parts of plants or...
"Fleur de sel"A very special product of the salt pans of Messolonghi is "Fleur de sel". This is the Salt Flower (Fleur de Sel). It is considered the best salt. It is really the salt flower, which is...
OLIVE AND OLIVE OIL IN AETOLIAN LANDThe presence of the olive in the area of Aetolia, like in the rest of the Mediterranean regions, is lost in the depths of time, in the interglacial eras. The olive tree is closely...
SALT PANS - SALTThe Salt, one of the vital elements of our planet, is found in abundance in nature in a solid state, dissolved in sea water and in the water of some lakes. It is one of the oldest chemical...