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I'm experiencing vibration at certain speeds, I suspect it's the driveshaft.

  • JosephNiB
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5 Μήνες 1 Εβδομάδα πριν #1104 από JosephNiB
Hi everyone!

I've run into a frustrating issue – there's a noticeable vibration at speed, and I've figured out it's coming from the driveshaft. It gets really bad at speeds like 80-90 km/h. From what I've read online, it's likely an imbalance problem.

What's the best way to fix this?

Remove the driveshaft and take it to a balancing machine. This seems like the most reliable and precise method, but it's a lot of hassle – removing, transporting, waiting, and reinstalling it.
Balancing it directly on the vehicle. Some folks manage this with special equipment without removing the driveshaft.

Has anyone tried balancing their driveshaft this way? Please share your experiences and results. Thank you in advance!

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