Honey is a true treasure of health and strength, while its value has been appreciated since ancient times. Its initial ingredients are collected by bees from the living parts of plants or from insect secretions, transported to the hive, processed, enriched with their own substances and the final "product" is stored in their honeycombs until it matures.
It usually takes the name of the plant from which it comes. So, we have fir honey, pine honey, orange honey, thyme honey, etc. It contains more than 180 ingredients and substances that make it an excellent food. Its main ingredient is water at a rate of 16% as well as natural sugars such as fructose, sucrose and others, at a rate of 80%. In addition, honey contains small amounts of protein, trace elements, enzymes and vitamins. It is really impressive the coexistence of all these substances in a mass with naturally, predetermined optimal proportions as well as the beneficial and often therapeutic way in which they act in the human body. The Aetolian Land is considered ideal for apiculture activity because it is distinguished by abundant and continuous flowering in spring in order for the brood to grow. Abundant flowering in the summer of fine plants, to ensure a rich harvest of excellent honey and good flowering in autumn, so that the population of the swarms is renewed and they save enough food for the winter months. Aetolian honey is characterized by high nutritional value and quality due to: * The rich sunshine of the area. The area can give rich production as it is rich in native plants, such as fir, sage, bush, tea, mint, lavender, oregano, spring and autumn heather, chestnut, pine, acacia, arbutus, eucalyptus and of course, cultivated citrus whose utilization is not complete because at the time of flowering the bees are not strong enough.
HIVE DERIVATIVES POLLEN. Are the substances, the liquids that bees collect from various flowers and it is the richest natural food in proteins, vitamins, essential amino acids, enzymes and other useful components, of great biological value for the bee and human. It also has a high content of “routini” which increases capillary resistance, reducing the chances of stroke. Finally, it helps mental function, gives well-being, increases self-confidence, has a diuretic effect, improves metabolism and fights the general weakness and weakening of the body.
Royal jelly It is a creamy substance, secreted by the hypopharyngeal glands of worker bees. It is intended to feed all the imperfect stages of the bee and is therefore called "bee milk". The name "royal jelly" has to do with the fact that the larvae destined to become queens, feed exclusively on a large amount of this food. Ιn this jelly, there is also the determining factor that transforms the larva - bee from worker to queen. It is a rich source of proteins, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.
PROPOLI It is resinous adhesive substance collected by bees from various plants, enrich it with wax, pollen, enzymes and other substances and use it to seal and disinfect the inside of their nest. Its color depends on its natural texture, but it is usually brown-green, brown or dark brown. It contains in high concentrations flavonols and flavonoids while it has bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties. It is used to treat wounds, diseases of the respiratory system, oral cavity and other areas of the human body.
CANDLE It is produced by the bees’ wax glands of the bee and is used to make the honeycomb, after fermentation and mixing with the secretions of the salivary glands. The wax used by bees to cover mature honey, has antibiotics that help preserve the honey. The most important areas of use of bees’ wax are in the cosmetics industries, wax industries and industries for honeycomb leaves production. |