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Agrι-Food Product Businesses


Our company Antonoliva - Antonopoulos Olive Press, has the first privately owned ecological olive press created in ​​Agios Thomas at Messolonghi, in the prefecture of Aetoloakarnania - Greece. It is special because the olives are grinding traditionally by granite millstones, producing high quality olive oil by cold pressing, at low temperatures, so that its valuable ingredients are maintained. With this olive oil extraction process, we not only get the maximum yield, but we produce an olive oil without residues and with its enhanced fruity taste. The olive oil produced has undergone the least possible processing and this is proved by the result.

Next, we have the milling of the olive, which is done with the traditional method of coarse grinding. The olives are smoothly broken by granite millstones, as was done in the old times. Our company has managed to combine this traditional method with modern high technology, always in accordance with today's strict food production standards. With this process, the olives do not pass through multistory crushers, as happens in other olive mills and thus the thermal increases of the olive dough are avoided.

This stage is very important, as the high speeds and high temperatures that develop instantly from the crushing of the olive, alter most of the nutritional and taste characteristics of olive oil. Once the granite millstones have finished the grinding of olives, the kneading process follows. Having ensured completely cold pressing, the olive yeast enters the final stage of olive oil extraction.

Here we have the operation (innovation) of the two (2) phases:

Olive oil is received from one part and vegetable liquids and olive kernels together from the other. The olive oil is extracted without the addition of water to the horizontal centrifugal separator (DECANDER) so that its valuable components (polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamins, etc.) are not rinsed and are lost. This so-called biphasic olive kernel is mixed with olive leaves, with other agricultural plant residues in the area and a soil improvement product is produced (compost).

There is no waste at all, the environment is not polluted, at the same time all the olive residues are utilized for the benefit of the crops and the enrichment of the soils with organic matter. To supply the little hot water required, biomass is used in the burner of the olive mill from the wooden parts of the olive. So, the whole operation is truly ecological.



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Άγιος Θωμάς Ιεράς Πόλεως Μεσολογγίου, Τ.Κ. 30200


+30 2631028887,


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