ROUTE DESCRIPTIONThe theater of Oiniades is located in Trikardos, near the village Katochi of “Kallikratis” Municipality of the Sacred City of Messolonghi and is the best preserved of the three most important ancient theaters of the Aetolian land. It is located near the market of the ancient city of Oiniades, the second largest and most important city of Akarnania after the ancient Stratos. Historically it keeps its roots from the middle of the 4th century BC. It is a sample of high city cultural level and is located in a place that seduces with its excellent view. Someone sitting on the upper steps of the hollow, overlooks the old riverbed of the river Achelous and if you sit in silence, you can hear the age-old oaks sing softly the legend of Hercules who confronted Achelous, claiming both Dianeira, daughter of Oineas, king of Aetolian Kalydona. Hercules broke one of Achelous' horns who asked him to return it to him, as Hercules eventually did. Grateful Achelous, offered to his victorious opponent, the horn of Abundance. Through the myth and looking at the horizon of the cultivable plains of the Achelous Delta, the struggle of the people to tame the river by turning its destructive power into creative is an evident. The submissive Achelous becomes a collaborator of the people, offering the divine gift of the fertile and fertile land, of life itself. The theater underwent some transformational interventions by Philip of Macedonia the fifth (E’), while in 167 BC. the Romans intervened slightly in its formation. Based on the latest architectural studies, it had a capacity of about 4600 spectators, while its very good acoustic is characteristic. Its hollow is larger than a semicircle and consisted of 27 rows of seats, of which only 19 are preserved. It is divided by 10 stairs into 11 stands without cornice. The orchestra of the theater (diameter 16.15 m.) Is preserved in excellent condition, but not the stage, from which only the foundations of the foreground (26 m.) and the two backgrounds east and west of the stage are visible.
Ancient Theater Festival of Oiniades The Ancient Theater of Oiniades, in one of the most important archeological sites of Aitoloakarnania, hosts every year since 1986, during the months of July and August, the Festival of Ancient Theater of Oiniades. This cultural institution counts 35 years of uninterrupted contribution to the culture of the place, highlighting in the best way the archeological site while at the same time contributing to the cultural upgrade of the area. It includes from time to time, a rich program of performances of ancient and modern theater, as well as concerts. Theatrical groups from all over the country participate in the festival and present their performances, offering the spectators entertainment of a high aesthetic level.
The ancient shipyard of Oiniades. The ancient shipyard of Oiniades is the best-preserved shipyard of ancient Greece. An ancient naval base, which is two and a half thousand years old. It was located west of one of the three ports of the city and was used for the hoisting, maintenance, repair and guarding of ships. The naval base was carved into the rock and reached eleven meters in height on the east side. The "closed type" building, measuring about 41x47 m. Was divided symmetrically by five colonnades of seventeen columns, covering the needs even for ships forty meters long that were the pride of the fleet of the Oiniades.