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24th Cultural Industry Workshop (Creative@Hubs) "Sources of funding for creative and cultural businesses, associations, organizations & bodies" with the Municipality of Agrinio and "MOSAIC HUB"

The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania in the context of the implementation of the operation “Holistic networking of creative industries through hubs - Creative@Hubs", co-organized the 24th knowledge-enhancing workshop on: "Sources of funding for creative and cultural businesses, associations, organizations & bodies" with the Municipality of Agrinio and "MOSAIC HUB".

The 24th cultural industry workshop entitled "Sources of funding for creative and cultural businesses, associations, organizations & bodies" was successfully held within the framework of the "Creative@Hubs" program, on Wednesday 2 November at 18:00, in the Conference Hall of Chamber of Aetoloakarnania in Agrinio in collaboration with the Municipality of Agrinio and the "MOSAIC HUB".

The workshop was opened by the project manager Giorgos Robolas, who after welcoming the participants, referred to the workshop presenters Andreas Tsiliras (Cultural Manager) and George Sarlis (European Projects Consultant-Cultural Manager) of the "MOSAIC HUB", introducing at the same time the topic that would follow, then giving the floor to the Deputy Mayor of Culture Maria Papageorgiou.

Mrs. Papageorgiou referred to the important work of cultural associations & organizations and their positive impact on society. She spoke about the continuous effort of the Municipality of Agrinio to support and finance cultural activities, but also the ever-increasing need to find resources in this direction. The above reason emphasized by Mrs. Deputy Mayor is what makes today's workshop – seminar, relevant and particularly targeted for the further support of the programs of cultural bodies and organizations and the encouragement of their work.

Taking the floor, the Vice-President of the Chamber, Mr. Raptis, referred to the implementation of the CREATIVE@HUBS project, in collaboration with the Region of Western Greece, to the objectives and the benefits that arise for the enterprises of creation and culture. He referred to the strategic collaboration with the Municipality of Agrinio in a series of workshops that will provide answers and solutions to the needs and difficulties of creative businesses, art and cultural associations and organizations, emphasizing the continuous and practical support of the Chamber of Aetoloakarnania, local entrepreneurship and economy. Afterwards, after thanking the representatives of Hub MOSAIC, for their presence today, he gave them the floor.

The first speaker was Andreas Tsiliras, who through his presentation talked about sources of funding for creative and cultural businesses, associations, organizations & bodies from Greece through the Ministry of Culture and the NSRF programs. He referred to the Register of Cultural Bodies, which is the only open funding tool of the Ministry of Culture, he developed the subject of invitations, to whom they are addressed and to whom they are not, he talked about the main thematic sections they cover, as well as what is required for the submission proposals and by what criteria they are evaluated. He explained how to register in the Register and the points of attention while continuing to talk about the "NSRF" and about the sponsorships in the creative sector concerning Foundations, Local Government and Businesses.

The second speaker, Giorgos Sarlis, referred to European funding and the writing of proposals for them. He analyzed the difference between a European program and a European project and developed its characteristics, as well as the basic conditions and the procedure for submitting a European project funding proposal. Additionally, he mentioned the page of the European Commission where the invitations for the main European programs of all categories are located, while at the end he talked about opportunities to participate in projects and consortia designed by others and looking for partners.

At the end of the workshop, a constructive discussion followed with the audience as the attendees put their questions to the presenters. Afterwards, a buffet with coffee, cool refreshments and delicacies was offered outside the Conference Hall.

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